Sunday, July 24, 2011

The 27 Club Sadly Gets a New Member

First off, I figured out how to make a "Favicon!"  So if you have my blog saved in your bookmarks, instead of having the regular old boring blogger logo, you can now see my specialized, custom, slapdash logo I created in about 48 seconds, and is based off the clever use of the letter B.  Exciting times here at Bloggerated!

Let's talk current events, yeah?  Amy Winehouse, the exceptionally talented singer has died at the age of 27.  Personal feelings aside on how she lived her life are besides the point.  The point here is that another person has died.  She died at the remarkable age of 27, which has significance in the famous person/death arena.  As you most likely heard, this is significant because there are several other famous people that have died at the age of 27.  They've dubbed the 27 Club, and Ms. Winehouse is now a permanent member.

Members of Club 27 include:

Brian Jones who was a founder and guitarist/instrumentalist for the Rolling Stones.  He was famously listed as having his death ruled "Death by Misadventure" after drowning in a swimming pool.  

Janis Joplin, who died from a "probable heroin overdose." I think Joplin was overrated, but you know, she is legend now because we're all left to wonder what else she could have done had she not died.

Jimi Hendrix, who died from sleeping pills and wine combo, like so many other people have accidentally done in the past.  I always wonder what it would have been like to have Hendrix still around.  In case you didn't know, Hendrix and Carlos Santana were very similar for the era, and I would hate to see Hendrix go on to score a huge hit on a duet with fucking Rob Thomas from Matchbox Twenty, you know what I mean?  Hendrix is a legend because of the relatively short period of time he was actually around as a popular musician.  There's an entire blog post here about Jimi Hendrix, I imagine...Perhaps next year.

Jim Morrison, who fronted the Doors, who sucked.  Yes I said it.

Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, committed suicide with a shotgun after doing heroin, or so they say.

And now, Amy Winehouse died in her London "flat" (or apartment as we Yanks call it) on Saturday July 23rd, 2011.  Everyone pretty much said the same thing, that while it's tragic she died, we all saw this coming.  I would be a liar if I said I wasn't shocked when I heard it.  Wait, that sentence has too many negatives...I was surprised to hear the news.  But when you stop to think about it, yeah, I'm not that surprised.  Her problems with drugs and alcohol were well documented by the tabloids.  It's still sad.  She was a very talented singer, and it's sad whenever anyone dies young, famous or not.  Hell it's sad when old people die, too.  Either way, go listen to some of her music and get back to me.  So rest in peace, Amy.  And congratulations on forever being mentioned in the same breath as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain.  That's good company, my friends.  

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