Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Trip Pt. 1

24 hours from the time I am writing this, I will be out of the state of Tennessee. This will be baby Evie's first trip away from home, and it's a doozy. I think the farthest she has traveled away from our tiny apartment has been Cool Springs, which is less than 20 miles outside of Nashville. We are going to my moms in Michigan for thanksgiving. Thanks to my schedule, I am able to take five days off and travel without using any vacation time, so that's excellent.

We are going to drive overnight because I'll be coming off midnights, where I stay awake anyway, so
It makes sense to travel this way. Plus the added benefit of light traffic on the roads because it's the middle of
The freakin' night was a deciding factor. Also, its possible that we might get to travel with a sleeping baby for the majority of the trip. I've never driven through the night before though, so I don't know how my body and brain are going to react or with any certainty how baby Evie will fair. I've got a good feeling though, that I know myself well enough and my happy baby well enough that we'll be just fine.

Another issue with our thanksgiving itself is my vegetarianism. There is an amazing company out there called Quorn, and they make meat replacement foods like chick'n nuggets and meatless balls and things like that. Well, they also make a turkey roast that I've eaten on thanksgiving the past two years. Only problem is I haven't had a chance to go pick one up before we go. Their website says it's not sold in any stores near my moms house, so we have to bring one if I want one. I'm not sure it's going to happen, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I know one thing, I'm sure as hell not eating turkey.

So a week in Michigan. I hope to keep regular updates while there, maybe even while on the road? That would be fun. Of course I won't type while driving. Do you really think I'm that reckless?

(any huge autocorrect typos in here, I apologize for. I didn't see any in my quick read through, but I probably missed at least one. Sorry about that.)

Here's a picture of baby Evie holding a pizza crust like a cigar.

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