Monday, March 28, 2011

A Change You Can Believe In

It was rudely pointed out to me a while back that the name of my blog is "the stupidest name ever."  This opinion seriously effected me ever since.  So, today (or rather as of yesterday) this blog is changing it's name.  Sort of like when Pizza Hut or Radio Shack tried to make themselves more versitle by tweeking their names in their advertising, I am doing the same.  Pizza Hut tried to make themselves The Hut, and Radio Shack tried to make themsleves just "The Shack."  Now, while I'm not going to change it to "the Bloggerated,"  I will just shorten it to "Bloggerated."  Why?  I don't know really.  I just think it's a bit cleaner and hipper.  I honesly just threw out the first thing I thought of when I named the blog two years ago.  I never hated it, but never really liked it either.  But I am willing to adapt to the times, and that means shuffeling a few things around, I will.

Now as you may have noticed if you have been visiting the blog in the past few weeks, that I have added at store so you can buy products related to the blog and show the world how much you like reading mediocre, meandering rambelings of a dude who wants attention.  Well, now those old products are outdated.  I've gone ahead and updated the store to reflect the new change in blog.  Now, if you have bought any of the products with the old name on it (which no one has) I will gladly replace it.  Just send me the old, outdated product and a check made out to me for $15 dollars and I'll send you out a shiny new whatever it is you bought with the updated text on it.  It's my way of saying "I'm sorry."  I mean those quotation marks to mean exactly what they sound like, by the way.  Read that with the air quotes, that what I mean.

Another change I was ready to make was the URL you use to get here.  I thought it would be prudent to take my given name out of the URL, to protect myself and the innocent I talk about herein.  Granted, it's been the way it is for two solid years now and nothing has happened yet, but, you know, I'd just like to get it out of there.  So, I tried to.  I went to the design function here and changed the URL to  Well, it said it already taken.  What?  I made that word up, who would take it?  I guess it was someone three years before me...and they only posted like, 5 times.  JERKS!  How can that happen...

Here's bloggerated.blogspot if you care to check it out.

But yeah, Change is good. You cant stop it now.

You can now read the blog translated into Russian, so that should be fun.  I don't want to exclude the Commies! 

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