Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Need A Lawyer and a Degree, Apparently

So baby and I are just chillin' at the house watching baseball, which I wish I would remember to do more often.  Usually I just leave it on our local Fox station, WZTV channel 17, where they play a number of low quality programming that I just can't seem to pull myself away from.  You see, when you have a baby, there really isn't a whole lot of adventure you can have, except getting puked on or crapped on.  So, we watch TV.  Well, I guess I watch TV, she doesn't usually care too much what's on TV just yet.  I don't want her to be a slave to the television like her daddy is, but it's probably inevitable.  I like to watch TV, because that's what I've always done.

Anyway, I turn on Jeopardy! at 11 a.m. and leave it on for the next four hours and it's a steady downhill of brainpower being broadcast.  I wish there was a bar graph to illustrate, but just imagine it starting out high, and progressively declining throughout the day.  But like I said, today is the exception to this, as I'm watching the Stupid Red Sox play the stupid Tampa Bay Rays.  I really don't care too much about either team, but it's the only game on right now...so here I am.  After Jeopardy! comes Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, which I initially didn't like, but when you watch the damn show every day for a few weeks, you learn to sort of tolerate the idiots that compete on the show.  I get excited when there is actually someone smart on there that can answer the questions and do it without guessing.  Usually I just yell at the TV at how stupid the contestants are.  Then there's an hour block of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, which is more of me shaking my head at idiots.  Then it's Family Feud, hosted by Steve Harvey, who really isn't very funny, but at least he's entertaining when he rips on the contestants dumb answers.

After the game shows are over it turns to talk shows.  Steve Wilkos, who was the main bouncer on Jerry Springer has his own talk show, which is a lot like Springer, only more serious, I'd say.  Then it's Springer himself, which always makes me laugh.  Sometimes I forget how retarded human beings can be, even if some of the things on Springer might not be legit.  Someone thought of that story line if it's not real, and that takes some talent.  I think, however, that some of that shit is so crazy, you couldn't make that up.  It has to have some level of truth to it.  And finally it's the paternity test and lie-detector test show, I mean Maury.  Maury is the best, I wish it was on earlier.

There are much better things I could be doing with my time than getting mad at bad TV, but I can't tear myself away from it.  It's like watching a train wreck, I just can't turn away.

Also, all the while these shows are playing there are two, and strictly two types of commercials that play.  Lawyers and Colleges.  I guess the only people who are home watching these shows either have a shitty job, no job, or are injured and can't work.  That's it.  I believe I fall into the "shitty job" category they are marketing, but I'm watching a baby, damn it. That's a great job.  I don't want a different job than that.  I just think it would do me a favor to see a commercial for Sunny D or a car company mixed in.  I'm about to call 615-4Lawyer just so find out what that feels like, because god knows it's been pounded into my skull enough.  Yeah, today I needed a break from that bullshit.  I'll watch the stupid Red Sox and the stupid Rays instead.  Better than seeing another one of those commercials.  

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