Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Monday Night

I just want to check in on this delightful Monday night.  I was watching Hell's Kitchen earlier, and I got to thinking.  You know, this show doesn't take a whole lot of work to make, except some editing, yet it's popular, in the same way that all reality shows are popular.  Part of me wants to see real programming where someone gets paid to write a script while an actor gets paid to act out the scenes.  Networks love reality TV because they don't have to hire people like they do on scripted shows.  Well anyway, what I was thinking about was that even though these shoes are not helping the television industry, they're pretty entertaining, and I can't deny that I was really enjoying watching the show.  Made me want to cook food.  Too bad we don't have any around here.  We need to grocery shop, but we have to wait until Wednesday when Bethany gets paid.  Shit, man, I'm hungry.  I been living off eggs the past three days.

I know this makes us sound broke, which we're not, but we just need to go grocery shopping and we need to wait until Wednesday, okay?  Don't judge us.  And when I go shopping, I'm going to buy all the stuff to make a delicious meal for the two of us.  I don't know what I'll make, but it's gonna be rad, I promise.  I'll talk about the details when I know the details.

Until then, I must go to bed now.  I'm pretty tired.  Baby is winding down, and so are we.

Goodnight, everyone. 

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