Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beautify, You and I

Let's talk about embarrassing personal grooming things, eh?  Hey, why try to hide it, right?  I have to shave a unibrow.  Yup, I would have a wonderfully thick unibrow if I didn't shave it at least weekly.  I think it would be better if I, like, waxed it or tweezers it or whatever, but I don't do that because that hurts.  No, I shave it off.  You can't really see it if I don't shave it off, it's pretty thin, and when I do shave it off, it doesn't leave a stubble behind.  If it did leave a stubble, I would probably do something else about it.  But shaving it off works for me.

I have this problem that I cannot control.  It's something I was born into, and there's nothing I can do about it except remove the hair.  I wonder just how many other people have this same problem?  Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm very, very not alone.  I got these bushy eyebrows, and there's no easy way to change that.  Like I said, if it left a noticeable stubble behind or something, then I would probably take further action.

What scares me is that my daughter could get this awful affliction.  This would be a bigger problem for girls than boys.  But I can just shave it off, grow my hair out a bit, and my eyebrows are hidden, sorta.  It's weird to talk about this.  Now everyone is gonna be looking at my forehead whenever they see me to see if I've kept up on my grooming.  I took care of it today. so I'll be good for a few days, possibly a week.

So I just wanted to tell you all about my personal, physical malady.  I still love me even though I have this problem, and really, it's not that big of a deal.  I mean, it's just unwanted hair, right?  I believe we all have a little problem that we all have to just "take care of."  No biggie, just do it and carry on.  Me and my bombass eyebrows are going to watch some more daytime TV now.  Have a great Wednesday.  

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