Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First World Problems: Pizza Delivery

Da fuck too you so long?
Man, we complain about some of the most retarded shit, don't we?  I mean, sometimes you just have to step back and realize that shit just isn't that bad, you know what I mean?  Some things were put into perspective for me, I have to admit, by listening to a comedy CD by Louis C.K. on Spotify a few weeks ago.  He was talking about how every cell phone is a amazing, no matter how shitty you think it is, and it's pretty stupid of you to get upset about something like your phone not doing exactly what you are asking it to do the second you ask it to do it.  Just chill out, man.  It's a pretty amazing thing you have in your hand, and because it's not doing exactly what you want it do you're going to get all upset about it?  Just step back and think about that when your in that situation.

Well anyway, I'm reading on Facebook, one of my friends complained that it took Domino's Pizza an hour and a half to deliver two pizza's and some cheesy bread to his house.  What's wrong with you, man?  You picked up a phone, or maybe not even picked up a phone with a service that allows you to do ONLINE ORDERING.  For Christ's sake, someone cooked dinner for you and brought it to your house.  I know there is a certain expectation to pizza delivery now because these companies are trying to get it to you as fast as they can, and take pride in that and advertise that fact to you.  But step back and think about it.  You didn't have to do very much of anything, and some people made you diner and brought it to you.  That's awesome of them.  Yes you paid for it with your hard earned money, and that's how they earn their money and blah blah blah, but seriously, it's pretty cool that they BROUGHT YOU FOOD.  Announcing your displeasure with this fact on Facebook is absolutely absurd to me.  Just chill out, bro.  Everything is gonna be alright.  Eat a snack in the meantime if you're really hungry.  Grab a cookie.  Prepare for the fact that when you order pizza for delivery, something may go wrong in the process, as this order is being processed by human beings, and humans make mistakes. Since you decided to let someone else handle the duty of making you food, it's out of your hands if it doesn't make it to you in the time frame you expect it to get there.

I'm off to cook my own food now.