Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall TV Preview

Oh man, you guys.  I'm excited for FALL NETWORK TV SHOWS! As a 28-year-old father of an infant baby girl, one of the biggest things I got excited about with the changing of my work schedule is the opportunity to be home in the evening to watch primetime television.  Up to this point in my life, there has never been a time in my life where a TV show was something I made an effort to sit down and watch every week that I maintained for more than like, a couple weeks in a row.  Monday night wrestling doesn't count, either.  Anyway, now that I'll be home in the evenings, and I'll have a lot of time to kill on the weekends with Hulu, I'm going to try out as many of these new shows as possible.  I found the TV schedules for each network on each night on this cool website, and I'm planning my attack now to get ready for their premieres.  I have found (and copy/pasted) tables of the lineups of shows from TVByTheNumbers, which were put together back in May, so I'm just trusting them that they're not outdated.

I'm not really all that excited about any of these new ABC shows, but I guess I'll probably end up watching them because of pure lack of competition. For example, I might watch Revenge because I really don't care about the other two shows on at the same time (CSI and SVU). Wednesday is the only night the wife and I are both home together and we both like ABC's current Wednesday comedies, so I imagine that we will watch those shows.  The only problem is that The Middle, which comes on at 7 central, and is not necessarily one of my favorites, is at the same time as a new show on NBC I'd like to check out, called Up All Night.  That show has Will Arnett, and he's great, so I'd like to check it out.  Plus, I'm pretty sure I am the audience they're shooting for with that show, anyway.  We'll also watch either Free Agents or Suburgatory at 7:30, whichever one we like better.  So, here's a table of the Wednesday night's lineup on all the different channels.

Other nights are mostly non-conflicted, because there are only a handful of shows I'm excited to watch.  Tuesday, I guess I'll watch that new Tim Allen show Last Man Standing, by process of elimination.  All the other shows on Tuesday are shit, except maybe Biggest Loser, which I don't really want to watch.  I won't watch NCIS or Glee.  Here's Tuesday.

Monday is total shit, as well.  I guess I'll watch the Sing-Off?  Most likely, I'll just watch Netflix.  Because I have no interest in these shows.  Maybe I'll check out 2 Broke Girls because it's new.  I've seen this one preview for Terra Nova and I figured it was a show to be aired on SyFy or some shit.  The Playboy Club, nah, that just sounds desperate.  None of the other shows are new, and none of the old shows are any good.  I'll watch Ashton Kucher on Two and a Half Men, maybe?  Probably not because that show is very not funny.  Like, Jay Leno level unfunny.  Anyway, here's Monday's table. 

Thursday I'll be over on NBC, that is, until 9/8 central.  That's where a CBS show has piqued my interest, the first time CBS has done that in forever.  That would be Person of Interest, which has Ben Linus form Lost in it.  Even though this is yet another CBS crime-solving, cop/dead body-type show which they already have about 17 of, this one feels different, guess.  The problem here is that it's on the same time as what might just be my favorite network show, The Office. And that Whitney show looks funny.  I'd also have no problem switching over to CBS to see that How To Be A Gentleman, because I don't really like Parks and Rec (I won't).  Anyway, here's Thursday.  

Friday, Saturday and Sunday don't matter to me because Friday I'll be sleeping, Saturday I'll be sleeping, and Sunday I'll be watching football, so I don't give a shit what's on.  If someone says something is good on one of those nights, I'll fire up Hulu and check it out.  So get excited!  Let's all watch TV, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. The only show out of all the new ones in the chart above that I've heard of is the playboy show which in the one promo I saw seems completely idiotic. I'm out of touch and ok with that.
