Monday, March 22, 2010

Drinking and Preaching, BE WARNED

First off, this post was written last night (which is right now, and it was also last night when you read this...get it?) and I have been drinking Yazoo this evening.

So we watched a film called Jesus Camp. I'm sure you have heard of this before, as I had, but I never watched it until tonight. The reviews on the Netflix site were saying it was scary. I didn't really know what that meant until I watched it. I got to tell you, it was seriously scary. I know these people in the film were extreme, but if you've seen anything like that before, which I'm sure you have, you would agree that it is a frightening thing to see. Religious extremists are scary, mainly because they are able to influence many people because of their fear tactics. They can make people afraid of the things they don't understand or can't prove wrong. I am all for people going to church and being happy with their lives with God and Jesus. But when you use those tactics to influence some sort of agenda upon people, fuck you, man. I don't want to hear it, and others don't want to hear it. If you're a religious extremist, fuck you. Don't push your agenda on people that don't want to hear it.

Anyway, Jesus Camp is a scary flick, and I think you should watch it, even though they use some creative editing, which they use liberally. It was very interesting to see the extreme people brain-washing kids. It makes you sad that these kids are told what to think, but they are also told that the thoughts that are put into their heads is their own thoughts.

If you've never gotten the chance to drink Yazoo Dos Perros, you are seriously missing out.


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