Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekly Po$t About...

How could I possibly go a week with out at least talking a little bit about music?

I've had some great ideas to use this blog for different things. I had the idea of flipping the format and making this a place for me to write short, fiction stories. I'm still thinking about doing that once in a while, but I'm not sure how good I am at that. I haven't tried it in a while. I might just do that this week. If I don't like it, I won't do it no more. The other idea I've had for the blog is to make it all music, all the time. Just make it a music blog, but I'm so spineless, I can't stick to grilling the shit music all the time, for fear of being called out.

In the history of music, in the land before the Internet, there were only so many outlets to hear new music. Ever notice how many people are fans of just a handful of bands and artists from the 60s 70s 80s, even 90s? I believe that's because there was only access to so many new artists, you were handcuffed by what others put out there. By others I mean the industry. Labels, record stores, and the radio. TV, to some extent. I didn't live in the 70's so I don't really know how much or how often musicians were actually on TV. Watch enough infomercials for the Midnight Special, and you would assume they were on all the time. I'm not sure how popular that show really was because I had never heard of it until the infomercial started playing all the time.

As I have mentioned before, we are in an age of unprecedented accessibility to music. You can seek out ANYTHING you want to hear, very very easily. Whenever someone new gets popular and changes the game, makes it different, people tend to panic. A common thought among music listeners is "This new shit sucks, what's wrong with these kids?" When in reality, when you were their age, you were listening to music that sucked to the older people, too. But it didn't suck for you. You loved it! And now, when you listen to music, you typically choose songs from your collection that you fell in love with for one reason or another from an era gone by (unless you're 14, then you're creating those memories right now, carry on)

I noticed that older music is placed on a pedestal, and is untouchable, because, well, I don't know why...Why can't I bash The Doors? They suck, but that's like, my opinion, man. Compared to other bands of the era, yeah, they suck. Bottom line. Sorry if you like The Doors. I do not care for them. Just try bad-mouthing old rock music to any older person. They will look at you like you're a retard. It's pretty funny, actually.

THE POINT: Ke$ha sucks. But that's ok, because you know what? the Backstreet Boys sucked too. So did Rod Stewart. But they sold a lot of music. All three of these artists suck for a different reason, but nonetheless, they all suck. Does it matter? Not really, just don't listen to that. But what bothers some people is the fact that Ke$ha has taken music, popular music, to the ultimate low. It's dance-y, it's catchy, it's fun. Whatever. There is always a place in pop culture for her type. But the lyrics are so (sl)utterly pointless. I will admit I have not listened to her album, because I know exactly what it will sound like. Why bother? But the thing is, her music sucks to me, but it doesn't suck to that 16 year old girl who bought her music. She obviously likes it for some reason, and I have no reason to take that away from her, nor would I want to. There is a lot of shitty music that gets made that doesn't make a hit because, well, it sucks. The kids get it, the older people, with different musical experiences, don't. And when I was 18, listening to whatever the new thing was then, the older people would say that sucks, because they're not me. They didn't get it.

But do we really need another party girl to watch destroy herself? I think the bigger question is, why is it always women that are in these situations? I mean, she is the one to make the decision to be a public ho-bag, but there is awholenother subject about the standards of women in pop culture versus men. And quite frankly, you don't have time to hear me explain my feelings on that.

People need someone to pay attention to, so they can forget about their shitty lives. She will have a few more minor hits, become even more of a train wreck, and we will be forced to notice, because the entertainment media loves this type of person. It makes them money, they can see she will be a train wreck, so they're getting ready to sell magazines by propping her up now, because it's pretty obvious there will be a spectacular fall from grace. I have no emotion about that. It's just the way it works. Look at Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan. Next up, Ke$ha. But it's sad that that's the way it works. But, it sucks because it has no substance, except perhaps substance abuse. Not all music has to have substance, but it's better when it does. There is no changing the way people think, and why would you want to, anyway?

Yes, Ke$ha is what's wrong with the music today, but what does it matter? She is a place holder until the next, newest all time low comes along. (not the band, all time low, btw. though they used to be better than they are now, they're still alright in my book.) Ke$ha is what we look to for guidance on what to not listen to. Unless you REALLY like to party, and just want to dance to whatever.

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