Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Stale Cup of Joe, And I Don't Care

A few things. Firstly, it's not even 7a.m. CST, and I'm already getting my blog on. That's dedication, or boredom. Secondly, I'm bored already, and it's before 7a.m. This could pose a problem. I am working the dreaded 12-hour shift today. I know there are some in the world that only work 12-hour shifts all the time, and me bitching it about will make you laugh that I only have to do one. But when you only have to do one, you're not used to it and it makes it a bad experience. I don't want to be here for 8 hours let alone 12. But things come up, overtime is accrued, and all is well. I still get the rest of the day off after I get outta here. I get tomorrow off, and Monday off. Overall, this isn't that much different than usual. But just thinking about being here for an extra four hours is like the end of the world in my mind. I got a book, I got an SI. I got the iPod. I got the computer. I got food to eat. I should be fine. It's just a mental hurdle from here on out.

I left a sandwich bag with coffee beans in the office cabinet for a week. I brewed those beans this morning and they are not very good. I also brought some newer beans from home, in case these beans weren't enough or if they tasted stale. They are stale, but the fact that it's so early in the morning, I don't care yet. Hot coffee-ish dark liquid is better than nothing. Also the fact that they're ground by me instead of the Folgers factory will always make it taste better. More on that later, I hope.

To all of you that have been reading, I greatly appreciate it. Please call me out if I say something stupid. I don't want to think I'm right ALL the time. See you tomorrow, on a very special Valentine's day edition!


  1. Working a 12er right just have to eat a big breakfast before you leave, take a full half hour to unwind at lunch (and shoot for the time that works best for you - mine is 12:30), and realize that after lunch you will be sluggish pretty much the rest of the day. And that you could sit instead and watch the entire star wars trilogy. The worst is working 3+ 12 hour days, because your first day off is just going to be a "sleep the fuck in/get all the shit done I couldn't do in the past few days" recovery day. My current schedule is 4 on, 4 off, 3 on, 3 off. If I am working my 3rd or 4th (or sometimes 2nd) day in a row, and it was a bad day at work, I get home and I am mentally exhausted. I've used up all the mental energy for the day and can't even decide what's for dinner let alone where to go out to get food if I have to. I just want to sit and think about nothing, but I feel it's too early to go to bed. Megan hates it because I can barely converse. Hopefully this won't go on much longer.
    Is the coffee starting to get stale? Drink that shit up son

  2. Just the stuff that I left at work got stale. We have finished it and it was amazing. thankfully, I only have the one long shift, and it is not mentally taxing AT ALL. It just sux to be there that long.
