Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meandering Thoughts of a Lazy Bastard

When I get around to doing things that I feel I should be doing to make myself happier, sometimes I go forth and make it reality, and sometimes I just totally forget about it and put it off. I have currently set myself up with entirely too many things that theoretically should make me happier, but now I've gotten to the point where I'm stressing myself out with the amount of fun things I want to do. My main problem is that I've got too many things to do with not enough time in the day to do them. A normal day during the week would include sleeping in till around nine, reading the newspaper, making/drinking coffee, then playing Modern Warfare 2 until it's time to take a shower and eat lunch so I can go to work and make money. Somewhere within there, I open my computer and check my social networking sites, and also try to see other interesting things scattered about the Internet, but I usually just look at the clock, think about how little time I have to be fiddling around with the Internet, and get moving on to the next thing. There is never enough time in the mornings to do the other things I want to do.

I have set myself up with too much reading, to the point that I feel I have to go out of my way to read them. I get a newspaper daily, Sports Illustrated weekly, and Alternative Press monthly. I've found that reading the paper in the morning is becoming a headache, because there are so many other things I would rather be doing. So now the dilemma comes in where I don't really want to read the paper anymore, but I feel an obligation to read it so I'm at least somewhat informed. People will say "that's what the Internet is for." And to them I'll say "but the Internet is killing the print news, which I like." So do I continue my subscription to the paper, which is about $16 a month? Or do I cancel it so I can do other things I want to accomplish daily? There is so much to read already, with the magazines and the Internets...I don't know what to do.

I also have some very expensive video games currently collecting their weight in dust as well. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has absolutely DOMINATED my attention for the past month and a half. I own Madden 10 and NBA Live 10 as well and I know I would seriously enjoy playing them, but right after I get done with CoD...which never happens because I run out of time every day. "I'll play Madden tomorrow" usually turn into "I'll play Madden tomorrow" the next day as well. I paid good money for that to just sit there. And I enjoy it! I just need to quit my job so I can play more video games.

Additionally, there are millions of songs that have been recorded that I have never heard. I am on an announced mission to listen to damn near every one of them. But guess what? I don't have the time to sit there and really listen to any of it. Why? because I'm reading the paper and playing Call of Duty. Believe it or not, as I sit back and think about it, I'M BITCHING ABOUT ENJOYING MYSELF AT HOME ON MY COUCH. So I take back everything I just said.

Which brings me to my next part. I daydream at work about heading back to the FREE fitness center at my apartment complex because I have gained 1o pounds in the past few months from my increased laziness. Defenitly no time for that.

Thanks for reading, I'll be playing Call of Duty if you need me.

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