Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Hottest Rapper in the Game

So I sit here this morning, drinking my usual coffee, reading my usual newspaper, nothing out of the ordinary. I decided that I wanted to listen to something while reading this morning, as I usually don't have time to do the things in the day that I want to do, so I multitask. So the decision on what to listen to had to be made. I remembered that I had heard the the new Lil Wayne record had come out yesterday, called Rebirth. This is the rock record that he had been talking about releasing since sometime in the middle of last year. Well, since I have a facination with hearing artists experiment outside of their "comfort zone," I absolutely had to hear one of the most critically acclaimed rappers of the day attempt a rock record. To say that the results are mixed would be the understatement of the millennium. Lil Wayne is supposed to be the hottest rapper in the game, but honestly, I don't understand why. He can be witty sometimes, and make you smirk because what he said was kind of clever, in a way. But overall he is really pretty talentless. I believe the term is "no-talent ass-clown." I understand that what makes music good and what makes music bad is all a matter of taste and personal choice. Listen to what makes you happy, but seriously, this is pretty shitty. The album has it's highlights, but so do a lot of records. Not every Nickelback song is that bad...yeah this record has got me defending Niclelback. This is music by a misguided young man who has had his ego inflated to the point that he thinks he can do anything he wants and not only get away with it, but make a lot of money doing it. And as far as that point goes, I have to give him credit. He can cash in on name only, because for some reason, people just listen to his music. I don't personally get it, but I took a different musical journey to get to the music I currently enjoy. Some people will genuinely enjoy this record and it will make them happy. There is no reason to hate the people that will find this enjoyable. It is only my opinion that this is bad music. If this record was made by anyone besides an established artist like Lil Wayne, it would probably never see the light of day. I don't recommend anyone listen to this record, just trust me, it sucks.

What bothers me most about this is that people tolerate bad music, and even go as far as to say that is is good. There is no way to make people realize that the music they enjoy is shitty, and there is no reason to do so. Like I said before, it's not the people that buy this/listen to this, it's the artists that make bad music. I know that there has to be bad music as an option, because it helps the people that listen to "good" music justify their actions. Someone is always in last place. There is always one team in the NFL that has the worst defense against the run, or the team in baseball with the worst starting staff ERA. And when that happens, people get fired. The idea is to step up your game so you are not in the bottom tier of whatever you're doing. Unfortunately, Lil Wayne is considered to be in the top-tier of what he is doing. And that's what bothers me most about Rebirth. He makes bad music, gets praised for it, and good artists go unnoticed. But, if Rebirth is what the people want, than I guess the good yet struggling artists need to take a look at what's going on and fire their defensive coordinator. Even it seems fucking absurd.

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