Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Like a Sperm Bank For Thoughts.

So if I can just write and save a bunch of blogs, and just like stockpile them, when I have a lot to say, I can just save them and post them another day? This may be a good thing for the future of my blog, and it's accelerated maintenance.

Well now that I figured this out, You should see a serious increase in blog posts. I have a lot of time on my hands on a Saturday morning, so i Won't lie, I will probably write a few here, save them, and post them throughout the week.

So, on to the real subjects here. I believe I can now officially declare my latest attempt to quit smoking a failure. Bethany tried to make a compromise with me that she would become a vegetarian if I tried extra hard to quit smoking. This is something I want her to do because eating meat, from what I have learned, is not really a good idea. But it was never my intention for her to actually join me on this journey into a life without meat. The only problem I have is that, if I don't quit smoking, would she go back to eating meat? If she did, would that bother me? The answer is no, it doesn't bother me if she eats meat. So the ultimatum was not really an ultimatum at all. It was just her deciding to not eat meat, and asking me to quit smoking at the same time. I know the ultimate goal is health, for both of us. I sort of want to quit smoking. People that don't smoke would find it hard to believe, but I actually enjoy smoking. It tastes good to me. It gives me something to do when I'm bored out of my frickin' mind at work, which is most of the time. Going out for a smoke breaks up my day at work. My long, boring day. Without it, I would probably go nuts. I did go a few days there without it but that isn't to say I didn't think about smoking every single time I got up from the desk to take a walk. This is NOT a defense of my habit. I know I must kick it, and do it soon. The main problem is I don't really want to, and that's something I have to deal with.

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